Have you gone through the year struggling or striving to make something happen? Maybe it’s a breakthrough in your finances, or in a relationship. It’s good to do everything we know to do in the natural, but we have to always remember that victory or breakthrough, doesn’t come by human might nor power but by the Spirit of the living God.
The word ‘Spirit’ in today’s verse, in some translations can be translated as ‘breath’ (Ruach). “It’s by the breath of Almighty God”, that’s how breakthroughs come. When you realise God is breathing in you by His Spirit, it’s time to take a leap of faith and say, “yes, this is my year; I’m going to accomplish my dreams, I’m going to reach my goals, I’m going to grow spiritually”. That’s when you will feel God’s wind beneath your wings. That’s when you’ll feel a supernatural lift, an anointing that will help you accomplish what you could not accomplish before.
Today, know that the breath (Ruach) of God is blowing through you. This is your season. This is your year to believe again. Believe that God can open doors that no man can shut. Believe that He is working in your favour. Believe that it’s your season, it’s your year, and get ready to embrace every blessing He has in store for you! Hallelujah!
“…‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the LORD Almighty.” (Zechariah 4:6, NIV).
Let’s PrayYahweh, thank You for the power of Your Holy Spirit at work in my life. Father, today I surrender every area of my heart, my mind, my will and my emotions to You. God, I believe if You breathe into me Your supernatural power, then my breakthrough will come. So I give You permission to take my breath away and fill me with Your Spirit, so that things will change in this coming year. Direct my steps and give me power to overcome my weaknesses. In Christ’s Name, Amen.
The word ‘Spirit’ in today’s verse, in some translations can be translated as ‘breath’ (Ruach). “It’s by the breath of Almighty God”, that’s how breakthroughs come. When you realise God is breathing in you by His Spirit, it’s time to take a leap of faith and say, “yes, this is my year; I’m going to accomplish my dreams, I’m going to reach my goals, I’m going to grow spiritually”. That’s when you will feel God’s wind beneath your wings. That’s when you’ll feel a supernatural lift, an anointing that will help you accomplish what you could not accomplish before.
Today, know that the breath (Ruach) of God is blowing through you. This is your season. This is your year to believe again. Believe that God can open doors that no man can shut. Believe that He is working in your favour. Believe that it’s your season, it’s your year, and get ready to embrace every blessing He has in store for you! Hallelujah!
“…‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the LORD Almighty.” (Zechariah 4:6, NIV).
Let’s PrayYahweh, thank You for the power of Your Holy Spirit at work in my life. Father, today I surrender every area of my heart, my mind, my will and my emotions to You. God, I believe if You breathe into me Your supernatural power, then my breakthrough will come. So I give You permission to take my breath away and fill me with Your Spirit, so that things will change in this coming year. Direct my steps and give me power to overcome my weaknesses. In Christ’s Name, Amen.