He Gives You Space 

Newer translations of the Bible include a footnote with this story, saying that it is not found in the earliest manuscripts. I hope this “messiness” of the Bible does not trouble you. It shouldn't. Rather, we can recognize that the perfect Word of God entered a messy world and picked up some scars, yet still tells us plainly that while no one is perfect, Jesus gives us space. 

In scripture, Jesus gave space for this crowd to go home shame-faced. They expected to jeer and throw stones at a “fallen woman”. He challenged them to investigate their own hearts to see if they were sinless before throwing the first stone. Then he drew in the sand while they all slinked away, now seeing their faults a little more clearly. 

Jesus gave space to the woman too. The officials dragged her before him to test his ability to judge, not realising that he would one day be the Judge over all. Jesus does not rush to judge this woman. He does not condone her actions but gives her space to change: “Go now and leave your life of sin”…  

Today, just like the woman caught in adultery, Jesus gives us space to realize that sin does not have us trapped. We can, by his grace and Spirit, leave our sins behind. There is some space as this new year begins. To reflect on our sinful life and decide to get closer to Christ. Is this not a great idea for 2024? 

“Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.” (John 8:11). 

Let's Pray 

Yahweh, as I reflect on the past year and move to the new year, help me leave my old sins behind and the guilt that goes with them. Thank you for your mercy. In Jesus's name, Amen. 

Amen, Bible, Change, Christ, God, Grace, Guilt, hearts, Home, Hope, Idea, Jesus, John, Judge, Life, like, mercy, New Year, old, perfect, Pray, Sand, Scripture, Sin, Sinful, Sins, Space, spirit, test, The Bible, trouble, Woman, word, word of God, World, Yahweh


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