A Witness In Life And Death

Our week of prayer today focuses not just on being a witness in life but also in death. So it was with the life of Tabitha (Dorcas). She was known for her compassion for the poor in her community. She was known for doing good and investing in those who had needs. Her relationship with God was not just for herself but also for the benefit of others. 


The death of Tabitha left her community in distress. Friends searched for Peter to see if there was something he could do. Widows showed him all the clothing she had made for them - gifts that reminded them of her love. Gifts placed in the hand of someone in need, truly points to the hand of the heavenly Father. Who loves us completely and generously supplies all that we need. 


Today, true Christianity, like Tabitha's, involves giving to others. When we recognize that every gift we have is from God's hand and not something we have earned or are entitled to, we become more open to sharing our time, talents, and possessions. As we are filled with God's grace, the natural response is to share generously with others. Our culture tends to focus on accumulating wealth instead of giving to people in need. However, Tabitha, was described as a disciple, as one who imitated the generosity of God. My prayer is that we would be more like Tabitha. Selfless…  


Let's Reflect 

How can you show God's generous heart to someone in need this week? 


In Joppa there was a disciple named Tabitha (in Greek her name is Dorcas); she was always doing good and helping the poor. (Acts 9:36).


Let's Pray 

Yahweh, Please help me to care for others with the love that you have shown me through the life and legacy of Tabitha (Dorcas). Father, help me to give willingly with a cheerful heart as you have ­given to me. In Jesus' name, Amen. 


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