Where Are They?

Caesar Augustus was famous in his day. He ruled the Roman Empire and ushered in a period of peace known as the Pax Romana. It was a time of prosperity for the empire and Augustus was popular with his people. But Augustus and his empire had a dark side. In his early years, he was known for his cruelty. When he took power, he put 300 of Rome's senators to death. When Jesus was born, Judea was under Roman military occupation. Under Caesar's rule, the people of Judea were taxed heavily, and political dissenters were crucified. Caesar Augustus built his kingdom on earthly power and a "peace" born of cruel coercion. 


Into this world, another king was born - not in a palace but in a stable. His kingdom was "not of this world" but came through preaching, teaching, and healing as he announced a lasting peace with God through his own death and resurrection. 


Today, I'm reminded of a television programme that asked the question "Where Are They Now?". The program was about celebrities and child stars who had been famous but had quickly faded from the public eye. Two thousand years later, we may ask, "Where are they now?". Where is Caesar and his kingdom? What about Herod and his kingdom? Well, Augustus died, and his kingdom faded long ago. Herod died and his kingdom also faded. But Jesus lives, hallelujah! And his kingdom is all around us and will live on throughout all generations and will never be destroyed. 


Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world." (John 18:36).


Let's Pray 

Yahweh, I worship you because Your Kingdom reigns over all things. Father, I want to be a faithful citizen of your kingdom. Living by your rules each day and introducing others to your everlasting eternal kingdom. In Christ's name, Amen. 


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